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Enduring powers of attorney

An EPA is a type of power of attorney that could be made prior to 2007. It allowed a donor to appoint attorneys to assist with their property and financial affairs. EPAs could not authorise anyone to act in relation to health and welfare matters.


Although it is not possible to prepare new EPAs, existing documents are still valid (provided they were executed correctly).


EPAs do not have to be registered with the Office of the Public Guardian until such time as the donor has lost or is beginning to lose mental capacity. However, organisations do have a discretion over whether or not to accept an unregistered EPA.


If you have an existing EPA and would like to check that it has been executed correctly please get in touch and arrange a free review meeting.


If you are an attorney that feels the time has come to register the EPA, we offer a fixed fee of £250.00 plus VAT to deal with the registration on your behalf. In addition, the Office of the Public Guardian charge a fee of £110.00, but as an inclusive part of our service we will assess the donor's eligibility for a fee exemption or remission and if applicable deal with that application for you as well.




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