Sleeping with the Enemy

The Domestic Abuse Act 2021 clarifies that victims of domestic abuse face not only physical abuse but also sexual, psychological and economical abuse, as depicted in many books and films such as the famous film, ‘Sleeping with the Enemy.’ These portrayals of domestic abuse show how brave and courageous victims of domestic abuse and violence are to take the steps to escape their abusers. These films highlight the fact that ‘abuse’ is not always solely an act of physical violence. Despite the statistics, it is not just women who suffer from domestic abuse, men can be victims of domestic abuse too, but sadly, it seems too few men actually report incidents to the police or confide in a third party.
Our Family Law solicitor, Frances Bedbook-Kelly, has had many cases where clients, both men and women, have suffered years of abuse including coercive and controlling behaviour in their relationships. She has helped many clients who have lived in fear of their partners being unable to leave or do anything about their situation because of being controlled and manipulated.
It takes real determination and courage to even seek legal advice when one is in this position but we are here to help you break free of the abusive relationship by taking that first step towards regaining control and empowering you moving forward.
If you would like some confidential advice for your situation, please contact Garden House Solicitors on 01992 422128.