Relationship Broken down, don’t know what to do next?

A major worry is money. It may be that you have no money to pay for a solicitor to handle your divorce or separation. Do you have a dispute with your ex over the children and need a solicitor’s advice? Are you in a Cohabitee relationship and need to establish an interest in your family home because it’s not in your name? Do you need maintenance payments from your partner?
When a relationship breaks down and ends in divorce or separation it is an extremely worrying time. Some concerns are about where the family will live in the future, what money you will have and how the matrimonial assets will be divided. Will the Family Home have to be sold and, if so, which party will get the majority share of the proceeds of the sale?
You may be a Cohabitee and find that your home, which you have nurtured for the children and your partner, is not in your name and don’t know what will happen to you when you separate, you may be worried that you will be homeless.
There may be concerns about who the children will live with and what amount of time, if any, the absent parent will spend with them. You need to seek legal advice from a Family Law Solicitor who will is able to offer you specialist advice about all these issues.
Contact Frances Bedbrook-Kelly at Garden House Solicitors in Hertford for reassurance and advice on all of these issues.