Frances Bedbrook-Kelly
Everything to fight for and no money to fight with?
It is an enormous worry when a marriage or cohabitation relationship breaks down and there are children to consider with property and other assets to be divided. Many couples who have decided to split up find themselves in financial difficulty worry about the cost of pursuing a divorce and financial settlement and are not aware of the various options available to assist them at this difficult time.
Credit card
You may be eligible to get a credit card with 0% interest over a period of time to enable you to fund the cost of your divorce or separation without having to pay interest.
If you are careful and keep an eye on the credit card agreement, you can transfer your balance to another 0% card when the first interest free period runs out to avoid a high rate of interest being charged. At Garden House Solicitors we have the facility to enable you to make a payment by card either over the phone or in person in the office.
Personal loans
It may be possible for you to secure a loan to fund your legal fees from a bank, building society or other loan provider such as Tesco or Sainsbury’s.
Many banks will make loans to current customers who have assets, i.e. the family home, pensions, shares or who have other financial ability to repay the loan. Shop around on a loan comparison site to find the best loan available for you.
Divorce Loans
Some finance companies offer loans to enable a person to get legal advice and assistance for divorce or separation and the related financial matters. Whilst most will provide funds for a child related issue such as contact or who the child will live with, they do not generally give loans for these expenses unless there are matrimonial assets that they can rely on to be reimbursed from at the end of the proceedings.
Divorce Loans differ from other bank loans in that most offer repayment terms you only have to pay back the interest while your case is on-going and you do not pay back the capital sum until the case has finished. The company give you a maximum limit and you can make payments to your solicitor from that capital sum that you have borrowed.
Some Divorce Loan companies may defer your interest payments until the end of the proceedings so you pay all that you owe in one payment at the end rather than throughout the case.
Resolution is a Family Law Organisation in England and Wales who have links to Iceberg Client Credit who offer loans to fund divorce, separation and related matters at a reduced interest rate if the solicitor handling the case is a member of Resolution.
Another Divorce Loan company is Novitas Loans, who specialise in family dispute loans. They can be found at which is an easy website to manoeuver.
Frances Bedbrook-Kelly at Garden House Solicitors in Hertford is a member of Resolution and will make sure that you get all the help and advice that you need. Contact her now on